Principal Releases Craft Book by SEN Student
A special ceremony was held to release “Maajehumuge Masahkaiy”, a craft book composed and set down by Hishma Mohamed Mumthaz, a SEN student of our Dream Class. The book contains over a dozen fun projects for children under 12 years old. Hishma has done all the typing, drawing and designing by herself. Our special educators, Ms. Sifan Abdul Rahman, Ms. Mausha Yoosuf and SEN Co-ordinator Ms. Sofoora Hussain; who uphold Dr. Temple Grandin’s words of “There needs to be a lot more emphasis on what a child can do instead of what he or she cannot do” as their guiding philosophy inspired and assisted her to undertake the project successfully.
To read the book, “Maajehumuge Masahkaiy”, written by Hishma Mohamed Mumthaz, please click Here. To turn pages, swipe diagonally from any corner of the page or use left and right arrow keys on your keyboard.
Digital Magazine: ISSUE 3
Please click Here or click the animated picture above the heading "Digital Magazine: Volume 3" to read it.
The digital magazine of our school was released by Ahmed Rasheed, President, Baa Thulhaadhoo Council in a special ceremony held to celebrate Teachers' Day 2020. The magazine provides a platform for students, who have been locked in by Covid-19 pandemic, to explore and showcase their creativity and literary talents. Most of the illustrations are animated using gif images, which make the magazine live and attractive. Subsequent issues of 'Hiyaa' will be published on the 5th day of every month.
Students, teachers, parents and alumni may forward their work to before 25th of the month. To read the Digital Magazine, please click or click the animated picture above the heading "Digital Magazine"
Special Assembly
A special ceremony was held to mark the 84th anniversary of the school. The students, staff and parents reiterated their commitment to start Grade 11 in academic year 2021-22. A campaign was carried out to boost the visual appeal of the school premises, in partnership with the business community and parent body..
To see the youtube video of the special assembly, please click here.
Google Certified Educators
40 teachers of Thulhaadhoo School has successfully completed Google Certified Educator level 1 course online. This course helps teachers to conduct online classes using Google Suite apps. This obviously enhances the effectiveness of remote mode of teaching. Our target is to get all our teachers be Google Certified Educators by the end of October 2020.
ކާމިޔާބަކީ މަސައްކަތްތެރިންގެ ޙައްޤެކެވެ.
އަމިއްލަ ޤާބިލްކަން ދެނެގަނެ، އެކަން ހަޤީޤަތަކަށް ހެދުމެވެ.
ފެންވަރު ރަނގަޅު ތަޢުލީމެއްގެ ތެރެއިން ޤާބިލް ރައްޔިތެއް އުފެއްދުމެވެ.
ކޮންމެ ކުއްޖަކީވެސް އުފަންވާއިރު ޤާބިލް ކުއްޖެކެވެ. ތަފާތު ހާލަތްތަކުގައި ދަރިވަރުން ދަސްކުރާގޮތް ތަފާތެވެ. އެކި ދަރިވަރުން ދަސްކުރާނީ ތަފާތު ޙާލަތްތަކުގައި ތަފާތު އެކި ފެންވަރުގައެވެ. ދަރިވަރުންގެ ޤާބިލްކަން އިތުރު ކުރުމަށްޓަކައި ޓީޗަރުންގެ އެހީތެރިކަން ފޯރުކޮށްދިނުމެވެ.
- އަޅުގަނޑުމެން އެހީތެރިކަމާއި އެކު އަޅާލަން.
- އަޅުގަނޑުމެން އެއްބާރުލުން ދޭނަން.
- އަޅުގަނޑުމެންނަކީ އުފެއްދުންތެރިބަޔަކަށް ވާނަން.
- އަޅުގަނޑުމެންނަކީ ދީނަށް އިޚްލާސްތެރި ބަޔަކަށް ވާނަން.
- އަޅުގަނޑުމެން ސުލޫކީ މިންގަނޑު ހިފަހައްޓާނަން.
- އަޅުގަނޑުމެން އުނގެނުމަށް ލޯބި ކުރާނަން.
- އަޅުގަނޑުމެން ހުރިހާ ކަމެއް ޙާސިލް ކުރާނަން.
ސްކޫލްގެ ތާރީހު
ތުޅާދޫ މަދަރަސާގެ ނަމުގައި ތުޅާދޫގައި ފުރަތަމަ ކިޔަވައިދޭން ފެށުނީ 17 އޮގަސްޓް 1936، 29 ޖުމާދަލް އައްވަލް 1355 ގައެވެ. މި މަދަރަސާ "މަކްތަބުލް ހިދާޔާ" ގެ ނަމުގައި 1967 ފެބްރުއަރީ 6ގައި ރަޖިސްޓްރީ ކުރެވުނެވެ. 1978 ފެބްރުއަރީ 16 ގައި މަކްތަބުލް ހިދާޔާގެ ނަން ތުޅާދޫ ޕްރައިމަރީ ސްކޫލްގެ ނަމަށް ބަދަލުކުރެވުނެވެ. ޘާނަވީ ތަޢުލީމުދޭން ފެށުމާއި ގުޅިގެން 1998 ނޮވެމްބަރ 8 ގައި ސްކޫލްގެ ނަން "ތުޅާދޫ ސްކޫލް" ގެ ނަމަށް ބަދަލުކުރެވުނެވެ. މި ސްކޫލް ސަރުކާރު ސްކޫލަކަށް ބަދަލުވީ 2000 ވަނަ އަހަރުގެ ފެބްރުއަރީ މަހުގެ 1 ވަނަ ދުވަހުއެވެ. މި މަދަރަސާގެ ބާނީ އަކީ ބ ތުޅާދޫ ދޮން އިސްމާޢީލް ކަތީބެވެ. އަދި މި މަދަރަސާގެ އެންމެ ފުރަތަމަ އުސްތާޛަކީ ށ ކަނޑިތީމު އިބްރާހީމް ޢަލީ (ދޮން އިބްރާހީމް ކަލޭފާނު) އެވެ.
Our Motto
Success through fortitude.
"To create a school, where potential becomes reality"
To create and mould potential citizens through quality education.
Our philosophy
We strongly believe that, all are born with abilities. Different situations make them learn at different paces. Teachers play the role of the facilitator to strengthen their potentiality.
Our Core Values
- We are caring
- We are self-disciplined
- We are good collaborators
- We love learning
- We are innovators
- We are outstanding in all
- We keep faith in religion
- We are eco-conscious